Thursday, September 07, 2006

La Nora does it again!

I just finished Angels Fall by Nora Roberts and of course I have to say she’s done it again. Her plot is engaging and compelling, her characters are warm and real, and her love scenes are sweet and juicy without being over the top explicit [and this opinion from an erotic romance author besides!]

What I especially liked about Angels Fall was the mystery element and the fact that Ms. Roberts led me to believe one thing, and made me hope it wasn’t true because even though all evidence pointed one way, that would have been the trite and expected conclusion. Of course, she pulled another answer out of her bag of tricks at the last moment and made me go, “Ah! I should have been paying attention over there, but I was too busy thinking I knew all the answers.”

That’s something I want to learn how to do.

The only thing I didn’t like about Angels Fall was that it’s hard to really like a heroine who is too skinny and is told by several people she needs to gain weight. Sure, I know, Reece Gilmore has been through a lot, but as a real-sized American woman, I have a hard time drumming up sympathy for a chef who needs to be reminded to eat and who considers it a victory to have gained four pounds. Yes, there are people who are underweight [ of Hollywood for instance], but still, I’d have liked Reece a little better if she hadn’t had a ‘weight’ problem.

In other news...

I have yet another job. Today I agreed to do some work preparing meeting minutes for the Borough of Edgewater. It's a bit of a ride, but the pay is nice and it's only a temporary position to fill in for someone on sick leave. It's not like I don't have enough to do, but I've got to supplement my income between royalty payments, you know? LOL. Someday, hopefully, that won't be necessary. But on the up side, I polished up my resume and know that it still works if I need it, so living in my writing bubble for a year hasn't dulled my employability. That's good to know.

In related news...

Now that September is finaly here, I feel different. Better. More centered and proactive. I really suppose I have reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder. The summer makes me depressed, unsure of myself, tired, easily bored and unambitious while the thought of fall has me working on new projects, vaccuming the pool, and applying for new jobs in far off towns. I wish I could understand it, but I just can't. Ah well, at least things are looking up a bit. Hopefully this part-time temp job works out, puts a little $$ in my pocket and doesn't cost me too much in gas money.

1 comment:

Angela's Designs said...

Definitely want to read this one. Haven't bought the vamp book yet.