Thursday, February 03, 2011

A smashing re-release!

I did it. All by myself.

I re-released one of my 'out-of-print' titles on Smashwords yesterday, and I didn't even cry once.

FLIGHT OF THE VALKYRIE- with stunningly gorgeous new cover art by diva designer Dara England - is the first second novel I wrote and the first one I ever submitted anywhere.

Here's the blurb:

Arrested for the murder of thirty members of the High Council of the planet Carnelia, Sienna McCade could face a hundred years in cryogenic suspension, the maximum punishment allowable by Galactic law. Jordan Dane is the Courier assigned to transport Sienna’s cryo-stasis tube to a prison ship, where she will remain until her trial.

When his ship crashes and Jordan is injured, he finds himself at the mercy of the beautiful assassin who has managed to escape from the broken stasis tube. He knows he owes her a debt of gratitude for saving his life, but he can’t ignore his mission. Should he deny his growing feelings for her and turn her over to the authorities, or risk everything to help her prove her innocence and spare her a hundred years in cryo sleep?

Publishing on Smashwords was surprisingly I have no doubt I'll be doing it again. Look for more of my out-of-print titles coming soon.

In the mean time, for more information about FLIGHT OF THE VALKYRIE - and to read a sample - visit my page at Smashwords!

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