Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Paranormal is Normal

Or so says Garrett Husveth of Haunted New Jersey Paranormal Investigations.

The kids and I attended a lecture given by Mr. Husveth at our local library last night, perfect timing for Halloween! The presentation was fascinating and we learned a lot about real world ghost hunting [ a boring and expensive hobby according to the investiagtor who also co-wrote a book in the subject of hauntings in New Jersey].

Ghost hunting seems to be mostly about setting up tons of electronic equipment and waiting, sometimes months, for something to happen.

Over the more than 20 years Mr. Husveth has been investigating paranormal phenomenon he's actually had some amazing experiences and collected hours and hours of EVPs - or electronic voice phenomenon recordings. He played a number of these EVPs for us, some of which were quite spooky.

He also played what appeared to be actual 'spirit' communications [different from ghost EVPs] that were recorded by an organization that specializes in Instrumental Transcommunicaition - or conversations with the spirit world. Apparently this isn't something new, nor is it a fringe vocation, as the US Air Force is reported to have been experimenting with EVPs and spirit communicaiton for years.

All in all, we enjoyed the presentation, though it took some of the shine off of our obsession with Ghost Hunters [TAPS] whom Mr. Husveth calls 'the best of the worst.' I'd wondered if some of what we see on TV might be staged or tweaked for the cameras and I won't spoil anyone's fun, but meeting a real life paranormal investigator certainly puts a new spin on this topic.

Do you have any ghost stories to share?


Anonymous said...

I grew up hearing my parents tell the same story over and over again, but no stories of my own.

Did he really say it was boring? And if so, why do it?

Two Voices Publishing said...

Did he really say it was boring? And if so, why do it?

He said in a joking manner, but basically he meant it's a lot of sitting around in the dark listening for things you can't hear until you play back your recordings. It takes a lot of time and money [he does get paid to appear on television and to write books, but he doesn't actually get paid to investigate hauntings]

Finding evidence is fascinating, but waiting to find it can be mind numbing.

Anonymous said...

All this Paranormal activity is in the past.

Now that most Spiritual Beings have been healed and returned to their spiritual home sightings and activities has all but ceased.

With Love
Ian Stone – Founder of HEART Energy Healing System,
Human Energy Assessment Release Treatments
Metaphysical Institute
Metaphysical Institute Blog

Two Voices Publishing said...

All this Paranormal activity is in the past.

Now that most Spiritual Beings have been healed and returned to their spiritual home sightings and activities has all but ceased.

Interesting take on it, but I disagree. I do think that some well known haunted locations are not truly haunted anymore but are just stories perpetuated to keep tourists showing up. I do believe that eventually all ghosts move on and that a lot of what people perceive may be residual energies only.

Jennifer McKenzie said...

This is timely. I just submitted a book with a paranormal investigator. He wasn't the flashy type. I probably got it all wrong. LOL.

Two Voices Publishing said...

You probably hit it right on the money. It seems real life paranormal investigators are every-day people with regular jobs who put a lot of their own money and a lot of effort into their investigations. I'd love to do some investigating of my own, but deep down, I'm also a big chicken and I scream and run whenever anything spooks me.