Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Heat Wave

Okay, I admit. I bought Richard Castle's* new book, Heat Wave, just because he's cute. I wasn't sure I'd like it. After all, a slim novel about a slim police detective with the dubious moniker Nikki Heat has got to have some flaws.
I wasn't surprised, nor was I completely disappointed. Castle's book is a slow read, surprisingly so for a mere 196 pages. It reads a bit like watching an episode of an eponymous crime drama, though I can't for the life of me imagine why.
I posit Castle has put a little too much of himself into the male lead, wise-cracking journalist Jameson Rook, but I have to credit him for the somewhat ingenious idea of fiction-within-fiction. Blurring the line between one universe and another is something I think most writers strive for, even if they won't admit it.
Would I read another Rick Castle book? Hmm...probably. As long as his picture is on the back cover.
For more about best-selling author Richard Castle you can check out these links:
*Yes, I know Rick Castle is a fictional character. I'm just not sure HE knows it.


Jen said...

I thought the book was a lot like an episode of the series (except for the sex scene) mildly entertaining.

Did you see this week's episode? SUCH a disappointment -- I literally told DH that I was disgusted with the show afterward.

Two Voices Publishing said...

I thought the book was just like watching an episode. But with a lot more commercials [because I put it down so often].

I did see this week's wasn't up to par. I think they shied away from really getting to deep into the emotions and that's a shame.

Jen said...

Yes, the episode should have been gripping and it was blah.

I would have thrown the book at the tv when she was saying, "Stay with me. Stay with me." if I'd had it handy.