Thursday, November 13, 2008

And from the file of 'Things no one needs...'

Literary action figures.
There are more available at this place and various others around the web.
With all the debate lately about whether or not books are 'recession-proof' [just in case, you know, we actually have a recession one of these days] it begs the question, how do companies that manufacture stuff like this intend to stay in business?
Granted, action figures in general are big money. Kids love 'em - Ninja Turtles, Star Wars - even the collectors go crazy for the stuff [DH being case in point]. There are people who will forgo paying the electric bill in order to get their hobby fix, their books, etc, but how many people do you suppose will be saving their scarce pennies in the coming months to complete their collection of literary action figures?


Anonymous said...

lol, I dunno

Though if they had a Poe who said, "Nevermore, nevermore" I might be tempted.

Two Voices Publishing said...

What about a Stephen King action figure? Or is that just creepy?

Anonymous said...

No, not creepy.

I've got quite the crush on Mr. that's probably very creepy.

Two Voices Publishing said...

Could be buying the action figure of someone you have a crush on might be creepy... ;) [whistles innocently and runs away]

Anonymous said...

Careful or I'll send you an action figure of my serial killer!

Two Voices Publishing said...

Ooh! Cool. Can you autograph the package?