Sunday, January 22, 2006

Finally a Productive Day

Yesterday I sequestered myself in the basement and sat at a folding card table to write, while my large desk and fairly new PC in my bright, sunny home office sat empty. Downstairs, to the constant rumbling of the washer and dryer, I wrote close to 40 pages on my WIP and re-edited an old story for my husband that he’d requested to see again.

I didn’t want to stop. It was great to be on such a roll. I powered through to a major event in my story and hopefully I’ve reached the halfway point. Today I’ll work on edits. I guess maybe Stephen King was right. According to On Writing, he wrote quite a few best sellers crammed into a laundry room, or under the eaves of an attic.

The true secret I guess is the lack of interruption. Though I took several breaks, nobody bothered me downstairs and I was able to get into the Zone. Today I won’t be so lucky, too much to do up here at ground level, but at least I’ve got a major chunk of work to edit and revise.


Jodie said...

Yep, I agree. Interruption can truly be a trial and slow down progress. But wow 40 pages! that awesome work.

Two Voices Publishing said...

:) They were handwritten, but two and a half chapters worth. I did manage to get some more done today in between helping the kids with homework and a major leak in the kitchen sink. SIGH Talk about interruptions.