Thursday, March 29, 2007

The frog really croaked

He did it. He hung up the lily pad, bought the fly farm, kicked the chum bucket, however you want to put it, Jiminy the Fifth Grade Frog has bitten the dust.

He was a good frog with aspirations to travel the world. On Wednesday, he decided the time had come to break free the confines of his watery abode. He leapt for the dream, and landed on the carpet. Since no one was home but the dog, Jiminy's quest reached epic proportions. He crawled, or hopped through three rooms, ending up at the front door, where, he realized, he could not reach the door knob.

His hopes of hopping to greener pastures dashed, he waited for the end.

When I came home from shopping I found him, covered in lint and terribly depressed. I rinsed him off and administered frog massage, which kept him going through the night, but alas, come morning, he'd crossed over.

Blessed be, Jiminy, we hardly knew ya!


Anonymous said...

Awwwwww...that's too bad.

Two Voices Publishing said...

Such is the circle of life. As far as amphibians go, he was a heck of a guy.

Cora Zane said...

Aw, sorry to hear about your pet froggy!

Two Voices Publishing said...

Thanks Cora. I think the only thing that would cheer me up is that penguin from your blog. *sniff*

Shelli Stevens said...

Aaaah i'm so sorry about froggy. But what a story.

Two Voices Publishing said...

Thanks, Shelli.

Kathleen Scott/MK Mancos said...

Well that's one froggy who did not get to go a-courtin'.

Poor little feller.
