Thursday, December 08, 2005

When inspiration strikes back

I spent a restless night plotting a new story and woke up with that burning need to start putting things down on paper. I’m partially elated at having a new idea, and also severely frustrated that the WIPs I’m supposed to be working on took the back burner today.

That’s how my muse works. I always recall the words of Yoda to Luke Skywalker in ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ when the Jedi Master was admonishing Luke for always looking to something else and never having his mind on the task at hand. According to Yoda, that was why Luke failed, because he refused to concentrate on one thing, especially when that one thing seemed pointless to him, like levitating rocks or carrying Yoda around on his back all day.

I know my WIPs aren’t pointless [though there’s always that nagging fear at the back of my mind]. But nevertheless I seem to get a wealth of new ideas when I’m in the middle of something else. These ideas burn holes in my gray matter until I put them down on paper. Today 5000 words rolled out on the story idea that kept me awake. Hopefully that’s enough to keep the flames at bay until I have the time to devote to this new idea.

In the mean time, it’s back to carrying a Jedi Master through the swamp all day.


K.A.S. said...

Yay on the progress!
"Do, or do not. There is no try." My own favorite (overquoted) Yoda quote.

Two Voices Publishing said...

Yes! That's the quote I was trying to remember. Well, I did more work on that interloper story today and got a new persepctive on one of my WIPs while I was at it. So I guess that counts as progress in a way.