Friday, March 10, 2006

Excerpt Alert!

Today’s excerpt is from Hunter’s Moon my first published novella. Hunter’s Moon received 4 Ribbons from Romance Junkies and has been on the Fictionwise 6-month best seller list since January 2006.


When an inhuman scream silences the night creatures in a Pennsylvania woodland, Alliana Cambridge isn’t afraid. She’s angry. When she goes in search of the source of that tortured sound she expects to find another drunken hunter injured by his own gun.

Instead she finds something indescribable. He’s six feet of sensuous panther-black skin stretched over taut muscle. His green eyes glow with feral intelligence and though she can’t speak his language, Alli knows he’s asking for her help. She watches as his magnificent body heals itself of a vicious gunshot wound and she wonders if he’s come to enslave humans, starting with her.

Of course, she’s probably dreaming. After all, magnificent feline aliens don’t normally roam the woods behind Alli’s home. If he’s still there, in her bed, in the morning...well, she’ll worry about it then.

* * *


A mound of scrambled eggs and a stack of buttered toast teetered on the bed tray along with glasses of orange juice, water and milk. Alli surveyed the feast as she climbed the stairs and wondered if he would be interested in eating any of it. He looked more like the raw steak type, but she wasn’t about to break her food budget for him yet. This would have to do. She’d made enough for an army figuring he’d need an awful lot of fuel for all those muscles.

She thought about the full-length view she’d gotten as he had retreated up the stairs. His hands were huge, twice the span of hers, and his thighs were like tree trunks. She thought of his jewels--the jewels on his belt. They looked like emeralds and rubies. The leather was pale in contrast to the rich blue-black of his skin. She remembered the soft feel of the fine fur under her hands and wondered what it would feel like everywhere on her body.

She rolled her eyes. Get over it, now Alli. He’s an alien. Just remember, he’s an alien. Her plan was simple and she had to stick to it. Give him something to eat and gently, but firmly explain to him, using sign language if necessary, that it was time to go back to whatever galaxy he came from, then hope he didn’t plan to take her along as cheap labor. Mr. Frye didn’t know the half of it. And here I am cooking for him! What’s wrong with me?

He had stretched out on the bed again and was surrounded by pieces of brown chocolate bar wrapper and silver foil. He hissed something at her when she maneuvered the wide bed tray through the door and rolled gracefully to a sitting position. She saw him wince and one hand went to his wound, which was still raw and pink but had begun to close up now that the bullet had come out.

The aroma of the eggs and toast drew his attention as she set the tray next to him on the bed. He looked at the food and nudged the quivering mountain of eggs with one claw.

“Watch,” she said. She scooped up some eggs on a fork and put them in her mouth. “Mmmm.”

Needs salt, she thought but kept her tight smile in place.

He picked up the other fork and mimicked her movements, right down to the loopy grin. Alli wasn’t sure whether to be shocked or relieved. She watched as he wolfed down the rest of the eggs with a vengeance and decided on relief. If he can eat eggs, he won’t need to eat ... me. . .

* * *

To find out more about Hunter’s Moon go to