Thursday, March 23, 2006

The next baby step

This weekend I rearranged my home office a little bit. The dog's half chewed up couch finally had to go, so I saved the cushions and made a slipcover for them. We hauled the couch away and put the cushions on the floor by the wall. Saber was not thrilled about this arrangement, but he seems to be adjusting.

Since I was now able to put another small book shelf in the corner I cleaned out my shelves and rearranged things to make it look neater. I also realized I'm all out of copies of my own books to put on my shelf! So I'll have to order more. I think I'll wait until the end of the month though, since that's when Immortal Lovers is now scheduled to come out in print.

I decided to part with the unique little coffee table I had in the center of the room. I put it downstairs for now. I'd never get rid of the thing because I love it, but I thought the room looked so much bigger without it, plus it was nothing more than a repository for piles of stuff that should have been dealt with and put away.

With the table gone and all that empty carpet space I decided it was finally time to take the next step and move the exercise bike from the basement to my office.

Now, when I take my breaks from staring at the computer screen, I will jump on the bike and pedal like mad for a few minutes rather than wander into the kitchen to get a snack. We'll see how long this lasts. It may help, it may just wear me out.

On the up side, I finished official edits for Flight of the Valkyrie today! I have an April release date and I can't wait. I also have a relase date of June for The Soul Jar. Stay tuned for more info on these stories!

Don't forget, tomorrow is excerpt Friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »