Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Today was one of those utterly non-productive days. I sat here at the computer a lot starting at pages with words on them and trying to make something sensical come out on the screen in front of me and all that came out was gar-bage.

It's a mental block. I've written synopses before. I can do it. But this one is killing me. I'm getting nowhere. I polished my query letter, did some research on agents and even wrote a brief pre-story synopsis for a short anthology story I'm planning for Amber Quill. No problems there.

I'm sure I'm worrying too much about it and I should just do it and not get so uptight, but I feel like this synopsis is what's going to sell the book. Not the query, not the chapters, but the synopsis. Right or wrong, it's making me insane. I need to take a break and gain some perspective. Aaaaaaagh!

Don’t forget, my contest continues until April 9th and I will announce the winners on the 10th.