He did it. He hung up the lily pad, bought the fly farm, kicked the chum bucket, however you want to put it, Jiminy the Fifth Grade Frog has bitten the dust.
He was a good frog with aspirations to travel the world. On Wednesday, he decided the time had come to break free the confines of his watery abode. He leapt for the dream, and landed on the carpet. Since no one was home but the dog, Jiminy's quest reached epic proportions. He crawled, or hopped through three rooms, ending up at the front door, where, he realized, he could not reach the door knob.
His hopes of hopping to greener pastures dashed, he waited for the end.
When I came home from shopping I found him, covered in lint and terribly depressed. I rinsed him off and administered frog massage, which kept him going through the night, but alas, come morning, he'd crossed over.
Blessed be, Jiminy, we hardly knew ya!
I hear the word bandied about an awful lot - sexy. Nowadays cars can be sexy. Shoes can be sexy. I've even heard of mixed drinks being called sexy. Sure, there's that elusive quality when someTHING is hot, sleek, new...whatever. But one of the things that has always drawn me to romance and romance novels is the sexy hunk between the covers [of the book that is].
No one can argue I suppose, that sexy is a physical thing. Bulging biceps, a smoldering glance, a come hither smile...sure. But I find real sexiness a little more complicated. This picture above, which I found on the back of the booklet that comes with the Season 5 Smallville DVD set [just bought it yesterday!] got me thinking about this topic. To me, it's classic sexy.
Why? There are no bulging biceps. Other than Clark's hands, there's no exposed flesh, no writhing bodies, no glistening sheen of sweat on straining male muslces...[excuse me a minute, I need a cold drink]
Now, where was I? Oh, yeah. Why is this picture so sexy? Well, Clark is undeniably good looking for starters, but more importantly, he's playing the hero full out here. He looks mussed - like he's been in a fight. I abhor violence in RL, but in fiction, damn that's sexy. He looks indignant - angry. He's mad as hell that someone hurt his woman. [Okay, so Chloe isn't 'his woman' - dammit, she should be. You all know how I feel about that.] It's terribly sexy that he's mad as hell. His got his arms around her, protecting her, cradling her...sigh. Gotta love it. And you know damn well, he's going to save her if it takes everything he's got. That's sexy in spades.
Now, I'm not here to debate the 'damsel in distress needs to be rescued' angle. I'm a bit old fashioned and I think it's sexy when a man rescues his woman. Not that in the 21st Century she always needs to be rescued. But he should at least try. He should be capable and willing to risk his life for her and he should be mad as hell if someone tries to hurt her. Chivalry may be ailing but it ain't dead. Chivalry is sexy.
So there you have it. Sexy traits in a hero: Mussiness. Indignance. Protectiveness. Mad-as-hell-ness. Not an eleoquent list, I know. And not complete. What do you think makes a hero sexy?
My first single author anthology is available now!
Unleashed contains Wolfsbane: Aspect of the Wolf and The Demon of Pelican Bluff.
Stay tuned for an update, I'm currently making some changes to my blog template, which will probably take me all day because blog code baffles me.
For more info on Unleashed - go here!
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2. Shiloh 3. Ciar |