Monday, June 26, 2006

Can't we do something fun?

Here's a picture of one the flowers I actually grew in my windowbox! I'm so happy they're starting to bloom!

This was the question my eight year old asked me today. This is weekday #2 of Summer Vacation.

It's going to be a long, long summer.

I figured after that, the day would turn out to be largely unproductive, but I managed to do a little bit of editing and then, after dinner, I hid in the basement and knocked out 20 pages on Rogue Theta. I'm so glad I got over the hump between the end of the short story I'd already written and the beginning of the 'rest' of the story I still have to write. I don't feel quite as useless as I did this afternoon.

If I have to get the major portion of my work done at night for the summer, then so be it. As long as I can turn this into a full length novel by the end of August, I think I'll be content. It's not going to be easy, but I'm determined to make the most of this opporutnity to get my foot in the door at EC.


Two Voices Publishing said...

Hi Sidney! Thanks for dropping by. I haven't read Brenda Joyce, but I just checked out her site. Looks like there's a lot to choose from! The next time I have some book money I'll have to check out her work.

Angela's Designs said...

Lovely flowers.