Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Day In The Life

Despite actually writing only 400 new words on Rogue Theta, I consider yesterday a productive day.

While DH took the kids to the Pokemon Tour on Long Island, I used my copious block of ‘Mommy Time’ to:

1. Make a crock pot stew for dinner
2. Make brownies for dessert
3. Go to the Post Office to track down my missing agent proposal {No luck.}
4. Prepare a replacement for my missing agent proposal
5. Prepare a proposal for yet another agent
6. Reread all of Rogue Theta and decide it’s much better than I thought it was
7. Make the decision to continue on with the plot as I had planned

For a rainy, thundery Saturday, that’s not bad.

If I could get that much every day, I’d be golden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!