Monday, January 28, 2008

I need some romance!!

I was thinking the other day as once again DH and I were trying to figure out what to watch in the evening, that I haven't seen a really good romantic movie in a long time.

Sure, The Lake House blew me away. But that was months ago. Now I need something new. I'm desperate for a love story [one that I haven't written myself] - something hot and sweet and juicy. A movie or even a good shippy TV show would suffice.

Anybody have any good romantic movies they've seen lately? Something where you're left feeling all dreamy and sighing over the hero. I prefer adventures of course, but something sweet and stirring would be nice.

Is it me, or are good romances on film getting harder to come by these days?

Any suggestions appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't have one..

the romances I love are the Old classics with Rock Hudson and closed mouth kisses. LOL

Anonymous said...


Plus, we got the soundtrack so whenever one of the songs come on I can be found grinning like an idiot. Bonus entertainment for everyone else.

R. F. Long

Anonymous said...

10 things i hate about you, Just like heaven, the prince and me, when harry met sally, you've got mail... i could go on

oh, and 'music and lyrics' was really good too (i own almost every single chick flick in the universe lmao)

Diana Castilleja said...

I'm no help. The last movie I saw was Shrek 3 and before that the Scorpion King. And yes, both were in the last few days. Sad huh?

Nonny Blackthorne said...

The Lake House with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.

BEST paranormal romance movie I have seen, EVER.

Jennah said...

I'm not much help either. My fav would be The Notebook. A Walk in the Clouds with Keanu Reeves is really good too. I can't think of any new ones.

Anonymous said...

I have to concur with A Walk in the Clouds. Also, what about Somewhere in Time with Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeves? That's an oldy but a goody.


Anonymous said...

Well, I have some odd tastes, I guess, but I found these films romantic:

Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down! (Antonio Banderas and some rope? OK!)

Under the Tuscan Sun (chick flick with beautiful scenery - yes, I mean Raoul Bova.)

A Life Less Ordinary (Ewan MacGregor? Yes, please!)

Return to Me (A sweet and sappy film, yes. I love it, though.)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Jim Carrey? Romantic? Yes on both counts.)

Say Anything (John Cusak's classic)

The Birdcage (hilarious, campy, and a true romance at heart)

Jump Tomorrow (an obscure little flick about how life can pass us by if we don't fight for our loves)

Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin said...

All my favorites are a bit older:
The Princess Bride
Love, Actually
Pride & Prejudice
Practical Magic
Music & Lyrics (saw it recently-very cute!)
The Fifth Element (not your standard romance, but I love that movie!)
Waiting to Exhale
Um...just woke up and the brain isn't in full operational mode yet...maybe more later. :)

Anonymous said...

Before Sunrise is one of the best leaves you with that dreamy felling movies.

Jennifer Lewis said...

I can only think of classics that give me that ::deep shuddering sigh:: feeling. An Officer and a Gentleman, To Have and Have Not, and All that Heaven Allows are three of my faves :-)


Will Belegon said...

I'll echo Feisty... Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are awesome movies and as well-written and acted as you will ever find. I'm even on a yahoo group about em.

I agree with many here...

Some Kind of Wonderful strikes all kinds of chords with me...

The American President
Shakespeare In Love (Not a normal HEA but tres romantique)
Much Ado About Nothing

Two Voices Publishing said...

Thanks everybody! I'm going to use your suggestions in a post tomorrow or later in the week and I'm going to update my Netflix queue!

Loribelle Hunt said...

Mine were all stolen already lol. ;) I'd add Sabrina and Persuasion.

Toni Sue said...

Just Like Heaven
13 going on 30 is cute, funny and a good love story.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Anonymous said...

Oh, I adored Music and Lyrics. I think it's the most recent romance I've watched, unless you count is a musical about the fight towards independence, but there's romance in it between John and Abigail Adams, Thomas and Martha Jefferson, and the congress with America....

Anonymous said...

Most of these aren't recent, but what about:

Sleepless in Seattle
Hope Floats
City of Angels
When Harry Met Sally
Music From Another Room
While You Were Sleeping
Princess Bride

Some classics:
Dr. Zhivago
An Affair to Remember