Thursday, October 29, 2009

I torture pumpkins

That's my favorite part of Halloween. The carving of the Jack-o-Lantern.

You wouldn't think I would enjoy it so much, since I love pumpkins in their natural, whole, orange, gourdy state, but I do derive a fiendish type of joy from plunging a ten-inch long knife into the virgin flesh of a big 'ol halloween squash.

I decided to record this year's bloody experiment for posterity, so here goes - The Death of Bartholemew J. Pumpkin.

He starts out in very nice shape for someone who is both round and squat. He looks happy, doesn't he?

Now, not so much. The interrogation went well. I got him to spill his guts without too much trouble. Bwahahahhaha

Ol' Bart turned out to be a bleeder though. Things got messy real quick.

The operation wasn't much of a success...but I did manage to get a black cat to grow out of his brain.

Next year, I'll try for bats.

What's your favorite part of Halloween?


Jen said...

November first.

Kristen Painter said...

There is something so wrong with you. LOL

Two Voices Publishing said...

LOL, Kristen! But at least there's one day a year when I can let it out. Bwahahahhaha!