Friday, August 18, 2006

Summer - buh-bye!

I'm in a hurry today - gotta' go to the actual office. Rather than come up with something unique, I thought I'd add a few lines to Kate Rothwell's Thursday blog about what she won't miss about summer.

She pretty much nailed most of them.

I'm not a summer person. Sorry, never have been. Here's what I won't miss:

1. The heat [stole this one right from the top of Kate's blog]

2. The mosquitos. The state bird of NJ is the Mosquito. The state flower is crab grass.

3. The wet towels. [Stole this one, too.] No one in this house can lift a towel higher than their own elbows. There's always a soggy puddle of terry cloth mixed with bathing suit spandex on one of the hard wood floors...

4. Being cooped up in the house with the air conditioner on. It used to be the biggest bills we had to pay each month were the mortgage and car insurance. Now it's PSE&G and Exxon.

5. Little voices crooning, "I'm booooored!" [Why won't they accept cleaning their rooms as a legitmate activity?]

6. Sudden thunder storms. [Don't get me wrong, I do like rain and a rumbly storm is fun sometimes, but if I have to rescue the patio umbrella one more time...

7. The ant parade. [They have the house surrounded, marching in two straight lines all around the foundation. The exterminators don't seem concerned about this phenomenon.]

8. Wearing a bathing suit. [Stole this one, too. In my next life I'm coming back with a body that looks good in soggy spandex.] [Actually that's a joke, I'm not coming back at all.]

9. School shopping. [For clothes kids will refuse to wear six weeks from now.]

10. Summer reruns. [Don't those actors need a little more money? Why can't they work all year long like the rest of us?]

I'm sure I could think of more, but I've gotta run. Catch you later!

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