Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It happened again!

I met a new co-worker today and our polite conversation, during the course of teaching her some of my responsibilities at the office, turned to my writing. It's getting a little easier for me to say, "I'm a writer," without that nagging voice in the back of my head saying, "You mean you WANT to be a writer someday."

I am a writer. A published author. It's okay to admit it. It's not a lie. It's not just a pipe dream.

So in response to my confession, my new co-worker says: [Can you guess?] "What do you write? Children's books?"


I have to laugh. I really do have to. But it kills me. Is it stamped on my forehead somewhere? [PLEASE ASK THIS PERSON IF SHE WRITES CHILDREN'S BOOKS]

I had no desire to be rude of course, to this nice lady who will be sharing my office job with me, so I said, "No. Romance." [I can't just say Erotic Romance yet, but I'm working on it. I don't want anyone's eyeballs to fall out of their heads.] Nevertheless, some part of me wanted to say, "Why do you ask? Do you only read children's books?" That would have been mean. But did I mention it kills me? Everyone, everyone, everyone thinks I must write children's books. WHY? I think I'm going to have the cover art for Renna's Sacrifice stamped on a T-shirt and start wearing that to work.


Angela's Designs said...

Do you look like a librarian? Then Kimberly Zant's The Invitation shows that even librarian's can experience spice.

Two Voices Publishing said...

LOL, Laine, I think you have a good idea there! Maybe I'll do that.

Annalee, I never thought I looked like a librarian. I know I don't look like 'an erotic romance writer' or a 'smut peddler' as my DH says. I think I may start wearing a feather boa while I work, though.

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