Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Something Fishy

Happy Birthday Cosmo and Wanda!
My goldfish are a year old. This is a picture of their first apartment, which was way too small for them. They have a condo now, with a couple of plants and a big sea shell. They seem happy.
These are things I write about when I can't think of a blog topic.
Actually, what got me onto this was realizing another year has gone by. I've been pursuing my writing career full time since last October and...I guess I'm doing okay.
I have fourteen titles available, eight of them released in 2006. I have four novellas and two print anthologies contracted for 2007 and a number of ideas in the works. I can't complain.
So here's to another year of healthy goldfish and a growing writing career. I wonder what 2007 will bring?


Anonymous said...

Uh, yeah -- I'd say you're doing pretty freakin' great! :D (And I'll bet Cosmo and Wanda didn't even lift a wand to help.)

Two Voices Publishing said...

LOL, Robin. True. Cosmo and Wanda aren't very supportive of my work, but that's okay. I have BOB, the Beta fish, too. He's very inspiring and he tells me jokes all day while I work.

Angela's Designs said...

Wow, a huge year when you put it this way. :)

Two Voices Publishing said...

Hey Jennifer and Annalee! Thanks ladies.