Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Blog Tag ala Kat

Kat Mancos tagged me with this one:

Eight Things About Me...

1. I cannot sing a note. I don’t even like to sing Happy Birthday to people because my voice tends to frighten children and small animals.

2. I hate waiting for people to arrive. I don’t mean like someone being late for a dinner date or something, but I hate sitting around the house waiting for UPS, or the plumber etc. It disrupts the whole day and I usually get nothing done that day.

3. If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be near a beach.

4. My eyes are blue-green.

5. I’ve never smoked and I’ve never been drunk.

6. I feel guilty after I kill a spider. But I do it anyway.

7. I’m a Jersey Girl, but I’m so NOT a Springsteen fan.

8. I hate picking people to tag, so if you're reading this consider yourself tagged.


Anonymous said...

I can't sing a note either. My daughter doesn't seem to mind. ;)

Erica Ridley said...

I *so* hear you re: #2. They probably hate me, too, because twice I've rushed home to meet them and found them already waiting in the drive...

Miss Frou Frou said...

I'm with you on 1, though am joining the Melbourne Millenium Chorus this year, but there'll be 300 people singing - bet they'll still hear me singing happily out of tune.

Agree, with 3, 4 and 5 - always think of Charlotte's Web when I kill a spider.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Jersey Jen too and not only do I not like Springsteen, but I don't own a Bon Jovi album! The horrors!!!!!!!!!

Babe King said...

You've never been drunk? Oh, me either--cough, splutter. And I never tell big stinkin' lies either.

Two Voices Publishing said...

Jen, if this gets around, we both may have to move out of state. I don't own a bon Jovi album either.

Babe, LOL, seriously. When I drink more than two of anything, my throat closes up and my ears start to hurt. Of course, I've also never been to the RT convention, so I suppose there's a first time for everything.